Monthly Giving
Become a Monthly Donor Today!
And help students encounter the goodness, the truth, and the beauty of an education at Chesterton Academy of St. Philip Neri…
In gratitude for your generosity, any new monthly donor to Chesterton Academy of St. Philip Neri between now and December 31—or any current monthly donor who increases their monthly contribution—will receive a complimentary copy of How Far Is It to Bethlehem by G. K. Chesterton's wife, Frances Chesterton.
Included in this heartwarming book are six plays for children and adults, an essay, numerous poems, and the collection of Christmas Card poems Frances wrote for the family Christmas Card each year.
To read these beautiful works is to understand better G. K. Chesterton’s wife and spiritual companion and will serve as a wonderful addition to your Advent and Christmas seasons.
Join us today!