“It is the essence of a holiday that it must be a revolution, and it is the essence of a revolution that it must revolve.”
Read More“…the two married persons—are themselves the sacrament, the outward sign of inward grace, a manifestation of Christ’s love for His bride, the Church. Do Jonathan and Mina live up to this in Dracula? Is this what Bram Stoker was going for? I’m not sure, but it does seem to me that the turning point in the story is Jonathan and Mina’s marriage.”
Read MoreOwen Barfield is the lesser known of the Inklings - a group of friends that included C.S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Join us tonight for a discussion of his book Saving the Appearances - Barfield’s own favorite of all his books.
Read MoreA catechetical look at a famous work of art.
Read MoreLeisure “is not a trifling with unimportant things, but a vision of all the innumerable important things in the universe which are in themselves even more important than bread and cheese.”
Read MoreC.S. Lewis’s masterpiece: Till We Have Faces
Read MoreCome to the school tonight for a rich discussion of the encyclical Caritas in Veritate. You needn’t read ahead! A digest will be given so we can enjoy sharing our thoughts about this provocative work from Pope Benedict XVI.
6-8 p.m.
Read MoreThe Founders of our Academy dreamed of the school as the hub of a learning community. The author of this reflection on her reading is a member of that wider community, as are all our Wonder & Joy readers. Her essay illustrates how books lead us deeper into community, contemplation and faith.
Read More“Why is it that a child who would be furious if told by his nurse not to walk off the kerbstone, invents a whole desperate system of footholds and chasms in a plane in which his nurse can see little but a commodious level?”
Read MoreCome to the school tonight to discuss Fr. Luigi Giussani’s The Journey to Truth is an Experience. No need to read (or even to have) the book!
6-8 p.m.
Read MoreSpring Enrichment Seminars are on the way. Please save your second Mondays for great conversation among a growing group of very interesting Catholics of various ages!
Read MorePlease come to the discussion of Peter Kreeft’s Doors in the Walls of the World.
Read MoreHumanity is crucial in a crisis!
Read MoreThe experience of Bethlehem suggests “ancestral dawns and mystical abysses and the end of chaos and the creation of light.”
Read More