Spring Enrichment Dates for Your Calendar
Ask great questions, generate great conversations!
February 13: An Experiment in Criticism, C.S. Lewis
What are the qualities of the best readers? What does that teach us about the best books?
March 13: Beauty in the Word, Stratford Caldecott
How do we get reality into education? How do Remembering, Thinking and Communicating relate to the classical trivium?
April 10: Only the Lover Sings, Josef Pieper
What do art and contemplation have in common? How does art contribute to interior freedom?
May 8: Beauty Will Save the World, Gregg Wolfe
How does art speak to the world of truth? Is all modern art jarring, ugly and dissonant?
Please click on this link to let us know you’re coming: Enrichment Seminar Registration (No Fee)